Books of Moses

My first tape piece, Books of Moses ap­proaches is­sues of cre­ativity and the col­lective con­scious­ness. I wanted to ex­amine the pro­cess by which sym­bols are as­sim­il­ated and re-used by cul­tures and the piece de­velops opening ma­terial to­wards a new place un­mis­tak­ably rooted in the past. Sound sources in­cluded car­riers of se­mantic data such as books, en­vel­opes, cas­sette tapes and the sound of writing, but also sounds of de­structive pro­cesses such as tearing and cracking sounds.

Books of Moses was com­posed at the University of Manchester’s NOVARS Research Centre for Electroacoustic Composition, Performance and Sound-Art under the su­per­vi­sion of Ricardo Climent and Alexis Guneratne and was par­tially dif­fused in NOVARS Studio 1 on 3rd June 2008 along­side works by Joel Bankhead and Nicola Hicks. It re­ceived its public premiere at the Autumn 2009 MANTIS Festival (30th October — 1st November).

  • Instrumentation

    • Fixed media (stereo)
  • Details